The Artist

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what happens when a published fine artist gets serious with wood and latex paint?

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Quaking Aspen Aspirations

did you ever climb trees as a kid? 

a bird's eye view is envious, but it's also nice to sit quietly under a tree and listen to the sigh of a breeze through the leaves.

fini! this little cabinet naturally invites deep thoughts with the suggestion of shade from an obliging Quaking Aspen.

you'll never have to rake the leaves.

or dig out annoying sucker shoots erupting nearby.

our last post mentioned a surprise, hidden feature in the design. remember? 


ahh. cute.

almost anything could shout a dramatic make-over from new life furniture aRt.  

don't be satisfied with just a common piece of furniture. 

go out on a limb ~ 

bring something inspirational into your home.


  1. Gracias, Lezlee! I've got an appointment with the owner of Avery Lane Friday, and I will hit Furniture Affair this afternoon with my spanking new leather portfolio. Lori Diab is a marketing/digital artist wizard and she is really hooking me up to make a great first impression with my portfolio.

    Lori's also donating a set of doors, a side table and another piece - AWESOMENESS!
